• Bookish Talk

    Periods In Fiction

    I just read A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert, and here’s what’s surprising: the heroine had her period. It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. And that’s because I can’t remember the last book I read where the heroine menstruated. Can you? I’ve always wondered why. Why is menstruation rarely referenced in books? There’s the argument that that time of the month is as routine as urinating or brushing your teeth, and since it’s mostly assumed that characters do those things, they need not be mentioned. It’s a somewhat compelling argument, but it’s not nearly enough.  Sure, there are people who breeze through that time of the month. Perhaps…

  • Bookish List

    20 Books For 20 Years

    I’m twenty today! To someone who has been a teenager for the past few years, it feels like I’ve become ancient overnight. I’m celebrating two decades of being a bookworm (yes, it’s a lifestyle that started from birth) by listing twenty books that mean something to me. These are not my favourite books, but a few of them mark milestones in my reading life, while others just spark joy. *** Penguin Puzzle by Judith Stamper My first box set was a set of books from the Magic School Bus series. My first experience with borrowing someone a book and never getting it back also came as a result of this…

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Grace and Fury by Tracy Banghart

    AMAZON GOODREADS BARNES & NOBLE BOOK DEPOSITORY *** I think what prompted me to skip all the books on my TBR list for Grace and Fury was the fact that it seemed to be about strong females defying odds in their various positions (at least, that’s what I got from the synopsis). To give you a little background, the story features Nomi and Serina. While they’re both sisters, they’ve been raised completely differently, with Serina being groomed to be a Grace in the palace, and Nomi being trained to be her sister’s handmaiden. Serina, who is satisfied with the future that has been carved out for her doesn’t understand Nomi’s…

  • Book Review

    Thoughts I Had While Reading The Wicked King

    Warning: I copied this non-review straight from my notes while I read the book. So, my apologies if it’s not very coherent. There will be minor spoilers ahead, especially for those who are yet to read The Cruel Prince. *** Cardan is quickly becoming my favourite character. Of course, I have to get over how much I disliked him in The Cruel Prince. There’s no clear good vs bad in this story. Everyone does morally questionable stuff. I guess it’s all about who has the best intentions. The only clear rules that Jude and maybe Cardan subscribe to: don’t kill your family and always be there for your siblings (unless they killed your family, of course). Locke is probably going to reveal…

  • Random

    Bookish Hello Tag

    This tag was created by The Book Piles, who was inspired by the Booktuber Newbie Tag (Brenda) and the This or That Tag (Tea and Paperbacks). There are a bunch of questions involved, so here goes: *** Did you start out loving or hating reading? I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. * When and why did you start reading? I grew up with books pretty much everywhere at home, so it was an easy hobby to grow into. I think the only time I didn’t read much was when I couldn’t read. * Do you read a variety of books or stick to a common theme?…

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas

    AMAZON — GOODREADS — BARNES & NOBLE — BOOK DEPOSITORY *** In Birthday Girl, Jordan meets a man who makes her feel relaxed for the first time in a long time. It isn’t until later that night that she finds out that said man is her boyfriend’s father- Pike. Fast forward to a few hours later when she, as well as her boyfriend, is moving in with Pike. I didn’t read the synopsis of this book before starting, so the whole boyfriend’s dad thing was a big surprise for me. To be honest, had I read the synopsis, I probably wouldn’t have been interested in this book because it hints…

  • Random

    Top 5 Tuesday: Why I Love Reading

    Hello everyone! Today, I decided to take part in a weekly meme hosted by Shanah @ Bionic Bookworm. I don’t know if this’ll be something I do every week, but I quite liked this week’s prompt. *** Here are the Top Five Reasons I Love Reading: My life is quite boring, so reading is my favourite way to spice things up. Reading makes me happy, and it’s the perfect way to keep myself occupied and entertained, while fully engaging my imagination in a way movies cannot. As drama-free as my life is, sometimes I just feel like spacing out completely. It’s a great feeling whenever I can forget my responsibilities…

  • Book Review

    Book Review: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

    AMAZON — GOODREADS — BARNES & NOBLE — BOOK DEPOSITORY *** I was first introduced to Holly Black through a cereal box. I was about ten years old, and Simon and Schuster did a special promo with a cereal company. So, I found myself with a mini edition of the Spiderwick Chronicles, which was a pretty cool read. After that, nothing life changing happened. I didn’t read any other Holly Black book until late 2018 when I decided to succumb to the Cruel Prince hype. The Cruel Prince features Jude, a human who lives among fae. She’s reminded daily of how she’s worthless because she’s human, and so she yearns…

  • Bookish List

    2019 Books that Have Me Feeling Curious

    This year has just begun, so I thought it appropriate to kick things off with a list of book releases I’m looking forward to. I’m not one to make promises when it comes to books I’ll read because I like to read whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it. However, there are some 2019 books that have caught my eye, and I’m very eager to get my hands on them once they’re released. So in no particular order… *** *** So, there you have it! 2019 releases I expect great things from. Hopefully, they won’t let me down. Which books are you looking forward to reading this year?…

  • Random

    Welcome to A Bookworm and a Half

    A LITTLE HISTORY A Bookworm and a Half is not my first try at blogging, but I’m hoping it’ll be my last. Before this, I had a blog, which I started during my gap year in 2015. I was so used to having so much free time that when I started school a year after that, I found that I couldn’t keep up with school work and blogging. Inconsistent blogging aside, I found that at a point, about ninety percent of the books I featured on the blog were ARCs, and the fun of discovering new books and reading them at my own pace was no longer there. Even though…